Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Unable to tarnsform msw8 to pdf

select * from dm_queue where name='dm_autorender_win31' - if it retruns something .. lets clean this up

delete dm_queue objects where name='dm_autorender_win31'

Restart CTS Service .. Queue the item again .. check there must be only 1 item in the queue ..

We found that controlled documents were getting stuck in the queue which would lead to uncontrolled documents not being rendered. After clearing the queue, we sent an uncontrolled document for transformation and it was rendered successfully. We then tried sending a controlled document and found that it would not render.

Verified that steps were followed to allow for controlled documents to be rendered:
1. dcm.jar and dcmSupport.jar to C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared on were added to DTS server (also added dcmQueue.jar and dcmQueueImpl.jar)
2. the classpath entry was added
3. Verified that the file had the correct entries.

We are still unable to render controlled documents. I found this thread,, and attempted to correct the syntax of the classpath entry. After following the instructions we were still unable to render controlled documents.

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