Thursday, October 23, 2008

Automatic rendition on import


When configuring the repository with automatic renditions on import, the renditions are not happening.


Register.xml is missing an entry for the PDF profile.


Follow the steps given in Pg 26,27 in the DTS Admin Guide for configuring the automatic renditions on import. You could find the renditions are not happening. This is because you need to add one more entry to the register.xml:

1. Stop the CTS Services.

2. Edit the register.xml(System/Media Server/System Profiles).

Add this to the :

3. Back up the log folder.

4. Start the CTS.

5. Check the logs for any errors.

6. Import the document and check the renditions

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How do I resolve the error, User "User_name" DOES NOT have Super User privileges

When you try to run the DocApp Installer with the ldap authentication, you may receive the error message below:

User "User_name" DOES NOT have Super User privileges.


When you connect to the Docbase with the ldap authentications, you DO NOT need to specify an OS Domain Name. However, when you connect to the Docbase via DocApp Installer, you DO need to login with the user_name, Password and OS Domain name (even a dummy Domain name will work).

Your login to the Docbase via DocApp Installer with the user_name, Password and OS Domain name successes, but when you run the installer, will be NOT able to install the docapp and receive the error message above even you DO have a Super User privileges.


1) Login to the Docbase via DA.

2) Select the user try to install the DocApp and go on his Properties.

3) In the attribute "Windows Domain" add the Domain name (or a dummy Domain name).

4) Save and exit.

5) Login and run the DocApp Installer again, it will work.

NOTE: You need to use the SAME Domain name to login to the DocApp Installer as the one you specified in the attribute "Windows Domain".


Check the user_os_name: this should not be blank. it should be a valid name like 'dmadmin' then this issue will not occur

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How can I tell if the BOF Global Registry is configured correctly?


Need to troubleshoot the BOF user setup to allow connecting to a Global Repository/ Global Registry.


Troubles using BOF (TBOs/SBOs) or using version 6 web clients and be caused due to incomplete or incorrect configuration.


To use BOF (TBO/SBO) requires that at least one of your Repositories be designated as the BOF Global Registry. Each Application Server must identify the BOF Global Registry it will use via the file.

There are two parts to setting up the BOF Global Registry:

1) making sure the "dm_bof_registry" Repository user is active.

2) making sure that the file on your Application Server(s) are correctly referencing the Repository that is acting as the BOF Global Registry and has the listed the correct user information for the dm_bof_registry user.

1. Verifying that a Repository is the BOF Global Registry:


-Using Documentum Administrator (DA), log into the Repository that should be the BOF Global Registry, using an administrator account.

-In Classic view, in the left navigation tree, click on the Administration node. In the page that appears, under the heading "User Management", click on "Search for Users".

-Search for the following user: 'dm_bof_registry" (enter this value next to the User Name label, and click Search).

-View the properties of this user "dm_bof_registry" (click the (i) icon).

-Make note of the user's 'State' and 'User Login Name'.

If the user State is 'Inactive', then this Repository is not the BOF Global Registry. To make this Repository the BOF Global Registry, follow Steps 2-4.

If the BOF Global Registry user is 'Active', you need to verify some information in your file on your Application Server(s).

From the Application Server machine, locate the file.

Open this file in any text editor. Ensure the following three attributes are set in the file:

dfc.bof.registry.repository =

dfc.bof.registry.username =

dfc.bof.registry.password =

Without the above three entries, the BOF Global Registry will not be set.

If these entries are missing or values are not complete, you will need to add and populate these values. See the following steps for more details.

2. Enabling the BOF Global Registry


The following section outlines the steps required to enable the BOF Global Registry using the Documentum Administrator (DA) application.

-Log into Documentum Administrator (DA) as an Administrator in the Repository where you want to enable TBO/SBO functionality.

-In Classic view, in the tree, click on the Administration node. In the page that appears, under the heading "User Management", click on "Search for Users".

-Search for the following user: 'dm_bof_registry" (enter this value next to the User Name label, and click Search).

-View the properties of this user 'dm_bof_registry" (click the (i) icon).

- The properties page will appear. From the properties page, ensure the following options and values are set to the following:

User State: Active

User Source: Inline Password

Restrict Folder Access: System

- For security purposes, change the default password (make a note of the new password).

- Click OK on the 'dm_bof_registry' user 'Properties' page.

3. Verifying the file


On each Application Server, locate the file. Open this file in any text editor. Ensure the following three attributes are set in the file:

dfc.bof.registry.repository =

dfc.bof.registry.username =

dfc.bof.registry.password =

Without the above three entries, the BOF Global Registry will not be set.

Note: The password supplied in the entry 'dfc.bof.registry.password' must be consistent with the password provided when setting the 'dm_bof_registry' password via Documentum Administrator (DA). The password must also be encrypted. For information on how to encrypt the password, see the next section in this document, entitled 'Encrypting Passwords for the file'.

4. Encrypting Passwords for the file


The password provided in the '' file must be encrypted. A utility is provided to encrypt this password. The following section outlines the steps required to invoke the password utility program to encrypt a password.

From a command prompt, execute the following:


Note- If you are using java methods that use the TBOs/SBOs then you will need the following entries on the %DM_Home/config/ file as well

dfc.bof.registry.repository =

dfc.bof.registry.username =

dfc.bof.registry.password =

Thursday, October 2, 2008

After installing Transformation Services, I do not see a Content Transformation Services Service listed in my Services


This can be because you have not configured your docbase yet, or because you have registered the service as an invalid user.


When you first install a Transformation Services product you will only see the Admin listed as a service. This is because you have not configured to a docbase yet. Once you run the configuration utility to add a docbase, you should see three services:

Documentum Content Transformation Monitor Service
Documentum Content Transformation Services
Documentum CTS Admin. Agent

If you do not see three services after configuring you docbase this is most likely because the user that you used when installing the Transformation Services Product was not a local Administrator, or you did not specify the domain if it was a domain user. To resolve the issue you can do one of two things:

Unconfigure and uninstall and then re-install using a local Admin and domain in necessary.
Register the service manually by running the following utility:
cmd> C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\server_install\CTSService\InstallLocalCTS.bat

This should register the service with the Local System account. You will then need to manually change it to run as the local admin user.


You can start the CTS service from a bat file to see if there are any problems with the service starting.
cmd> C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\server_install\CTSService\startCTS.bat

Make sure you run this from the command console as you will see any error message in the terminal.

You can reference the install.log located on the same directory as the installer for more information.
You can also run the installer with the following option for more verbose information:
cmd> rptsWinSuiteSetup.exe -is:log "C:\temp\rpts_install_log_txt"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why does my custom PostProc or Action procedures fail after updating my Docbase

If after your upgrade to eContent Server 4.2.6f or higher, your attached lifecycle or promote operations fail and see your dm_bp_transition log files contain single line entries such as the one below, you should remove any Print #2 statements from your custom Action or PostProc procedure code.

Sample Error:
[ErrorCode] 1700 [ServerError] Illegal Procedure Call 'Action'. Dmbasic error: 52

Server patch version 4.2.6f made changes to the dm_bp_transition.ebs file so log files are ONLY created when there is an error. This is to address the large number of dm_bp_transition log files generated on the server (bug 42336). Any "Print #2," statements in you custom procedures that use to print to the dm_bp_transition log file, will now cause the procedure to fail since the file is only opened when an error condition occurs.

If you want to print to a custom log file you should open your own log file for output in your custom code and number it something other than #2. For example, in a custom PostProc procedure you could do the following:

Public Function PostProc(ByVal SessionID As String, _
ByVal ObjectId As String, _
ByVal UserName As String, _
ByVal TargetState As String, _
ByRef ErrorStack As String) As Boolean

Dim rci as integer
Dim ret as Boolean
Dim OutFile as String

On Error GoTo PostProc_Error

PostProc = False

OutFile = "my_debug_" & SessionID & ".txt"
ErrorStack = "Opening debug file " & OutFile & "for output:"

Open OutFile For Output As #4
Print #4, now() & " In PostProc Procedure..."


PostProc = True

Print #4, "PostProc Procedure Successful"
Close #4

Exit Function


ErrorStack = "PostProcess Procedure Failed: " & ErrorStack
Print #4, ErrorStack
Close #4

End Function


The rest of your processing code would also contain any additional debug Print #4 statements.

This debug file will be written to the %DM_HOME%\bin directory on Windows or $DM_HOME/bin directory on Unix, of the server machine.