Monday, September 22, 2008

How do I delete a custom object type

Before starting this process, go into the Desktop Client and ensure there are no documents of the custom type to be deleted. If there are documents of this custom type then you cannot delete the type.

- Start Documentum Developer Studio (DDS)

- Open and check out the DocApp

- Delete the object type

- Check in the DocApp

- Close DDS

- Start the Documentum Administrator (DA)
- Go to Types
- Drill down to get to the object type deleted in DDS
- Edit the object type
- Scroll to the bottom, there will be a DROP option
- Select DROP
- Close DA
- Kill the Desktop Client processes using the Task Manager (Processes Tab), ending the following processes:


Then go File > New Task (Run..) and enter: explorer

- Start up the Desktop Client again and ensure that the object type isn't available for use when creating a new document

- Open DDS and add the object type again.

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