Saturday, September 27, 2008

DiWAExecuteProcessFailed!Cannot add Documentum Compliance Manager QueueManager instance


When trying to add a DCM queueManager instance, the following error is received in a popup window.

DiWAExecuteProcess failed!--DiUtil:ExecuteProcess failed to execute :D:\\Progra~1\DOCUMEN~1\smaster\srunner.exe" "d:\PROGRA~1\DOCUME~1\DCMQUE~1\scripts\svcStartMediaServer_edoctst.txt" -- The system cannot find the file specified; for more detailed information, see the error log:


The configurator cannot find srunner.exe. This could be because a virus scanner is deleting the file.


Turn off viruscan temporarily. Replace a copy of rsunner.exe in the install directory (i.e., C:\program files\Documentum\DCMQueueManager\smaster) from another environment, otherwise, reinstall DCM QueueManager.

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