Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to create a new file store by using Documentum Administrator

File Store creation comprise of two parts first is creation of file location and second creation and association of file store with file location.

For creating file location through Documentum Administrator kindly follow the following procedure.

1 Create the folder physically on your content server for file store.

2 Login to your Documentum Administrator instance.

3 Select the Docbase

4 Expand an Administration tab.

5 Select Storage option under administration

Click on File and select New Location

Provide the name for your new desired service location

Now Select the file location where you have created the Folder physically to store the Documents.

Leave the option Path type as Directory and security type as publicopen.

Click on OK to create the new location for file store.

Follow the below procedure to create new File Store.

Now select File and click on New file Store option

Give the name for your new file store

Select the Location which you have created just before from Drop down list.

Now Click on OK.

Run the following API to reinitialize the docbase connection





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