Thursday, August 21, 2008

Difference between Simple and Advanced Search

In Webtop the DQL issued by Simple Search and the DQL issued by Advanced Search are different. For example in Simple Search, if I search for a document called "always on" and enter this as such, the simple search text box the following DQL is issued:

SELECT ALL r_object_type,r_modify_date,r_object_id,r_lock_owner,i_vstamp,owner_name,r_version_label,i_is_reference,score,a_content_type,object_name,r_is_virtual_doc,r_link_cnt,r_content_size FROM dm_document SEARCH TOPIC ' ("*always*","*on*")'

For the Advanced search, if I carry out the same search the following DQL is issued:

SELECT ALL r_object_type,r_lock_owner,r_object_id,owner_name,i_is_reference,a_content_type,object_name,r_is_virtual_doc,r_link_cnt,lower(object_name) AS lowerobjname,r_content_size,r_version_label,r_modify_date FROM dm_document WHERE FOLDER('/Your Folder',DESCEND) AND lower(object_name) = lower('always on') ORDER BY 10 ASC,3 ASC

The differences in the two searches is as designed. Simple search matches the words searched against indexed text and properties such as, Filename, Descriptive name, Category and Author. Spaces or commas can be used to separate text / keywords and Webtop will search for all separated chunks of text using Verity queries, such as AND or OR. For more information regarding Simple Search, please refer to the "Using a Simple Search" section of the Webtop 5.2x User Guide.

In our example, a client searching for "always on" would be considered to be searching for keywords "always" AND "on". This is a non-issue with Advanced Search as it is a less ambiguous search.

Another example:
If I have a document called "NEW Vacation Request Form.doc" in my home cabinet. I may carry out the following searches:
1) Search for "NEW Vacation Request Form.doc" --> returns the document (full object_name)
- SEARCH TOPIC ' ("*NEW Vacation Request Form.doc*")'

2) Search for "NEW Vacation Request Form" --> returns the document (partial object_name)
- SEARCH TOPIC ' ("*NEW Vacation Request Form*")'

3) Search for NEW Vacation Request Form --> did not return as we know
- SEARCH TOPIC ' ("*NEW*","*Vacation*","*Request*","*Form*")'

ACCRUE selects documents that include at least one of the search elements you specify. The more search elements that are present, the higher the score will be. e.g. (computer, laptop). As you can see, ACCRUE is used to search content not object_name.

The workaround suggested is to enclose double quotes around the words in simple search.

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