Friday, August 8, 2008

Thumbnail Server and McAfee Anti-virus Port Clash

I recently installed Documentum Thumbnail Server on a Windows box and I had strange problem. The thumbnail server showed status as “Started” in the Windows Services console. But the DAM refused to show any thumbnails.

To test if the Thumbnail server was running correctly, I used IE to hit this URL: http://localhost:8081/thumbsrv/getThumbnail?

If the thumbnail server was running allright, IE should display a default document icon. Instead I saw the logs of my McAfee Anti-virus. This meant that McAfee was using the port:8081 which is the default port used by Thumbnail server.


Since Thumbnail server uses Tomcat internally, I had to change the port to 8082.

a) Using Notepad, open the server.xml in the D:\Documentum\product\5.3\thumbsrv\container\conf
b) Search for “” and in this section for connectors, change the port number ”/> I used 8082 successfully.
c) Restart the thumbnail server
d) Test using http://localhost:/thumbsrv/getThumbnail?

Update the configuration of the thumbnail file-store to change the base_url attribute.
a) Open Documentum Administrator (DA),
b) Look for the file-store - “thumbnail_store_01″
c) View properties and update the base url.
d) Restart the docbase
e) Open DAM and test if thumbnails are being displayed correctly

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