1. Log into Windows hosts to stop all of the rendition agent services (MTS/DTS)
2. Log into Index Agent host, to the Admin console for each agent, and Stop the indexing process for each agent in the console
Click on the Agent Status action link named “Stop”.
3. From the command line of the primary Index Server host, stop the Index Agent
a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/share/IndexAgents
b. $ ./shutdownAllIndexAgents.sh
4. From the command line of the secondary Index Server, stop the FAST index server a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin
b. $ ./shutdown.sh
c. To verify the shutdown, you can run the “nctrl systatus” command.
d. To clear the DMCL cache navigate to “/tmp/dmcl” and perform
the “rm –rf *” command
5. From the command line of the primary Index Server, stop the FAST index server
a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin
b. $ ./shutdown.sh
c. To verify the shutdown, you can run the “nctrl systatus” command.
d. To clear the DMCL cache navigate to “/tmp/dmcl” and perform
the “rm –rf *” command
6. From the WebLogic management console, stop all of the running applications
a. WebDAV
b. DA
c. DAM
d. Webtop
e. To clear the DMCL cache navigate to “/tmp/dmcl” and perform
the “rm -rf *” command
7. On each of the 3 content servers, stop the following IN THIS ORDER:
a. Java Method server
i. $ cd $DM_HOME/tomcat/bin/
ii. $ ./shutdown.sh
b. Thumbnail server
i. $ cd $DM_HOME/thumbsrv/bin
ii. $ ./dm_thumbsrv_stop.csh
c. Repository
i. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba
ii. $ ./dm_shutdown_<2DAM>.sh
iii. $ ./dm_shutdown_
d. The last thing to stop on each of the 3 content servers are the 3 Docbrokers
i. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba
ii. $ ./dm_stop_Docbroker
1. This stops the Docbroker on port 1489
iii. $ ./dm_stop_DocbrokerP1
1. This stops the Docbroker on port 1490
e. To clear the DMCL cache navigate to “/tmp/dmcl” and perform
the “rm –rf *” command
8. Log into the SunOne web servers and stop the services for your applications
9. With all repository services stopped, the servers and database services can be safely stopped/restarted if necessary.
Sequence of Events to Start the System
The process for starting the application is basically to execute the steps above in reverse order
1. Ensure database services and all hosts have been restarted and are running
a. Try to connect to the database with sqlplus as the repository owner
2. Log into the SunOne Web servers and start the services for
3. On each of the 3 content servers, start the following IN THIS ORDER
a. Docbrokers
i. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba
ii. $ ./dm_launch_Docbroker
1. This starts the Docbroker on port 1489
iii. $ ./dm_launch_DocbrokerP1
1. This starts the Docbroker on port 1490
b. Repositories
i. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba
ii. $ ./dm_start_
c. Method Server
i. $ cd $DM_HOME/tomcat/bin
ii. ./startup.sh
iii. Verify this by hitting the method server URL at http://
d. Thumbnail Server
i. $ cd $DM_HOME/thumbsrv/bin
ii. $ nohup ./dm_thumbsrv_start.csh &
iii. Verify this by hitting the URL for the Thumbnail server at https://
1. You can substitute other format values here, such as jpeg or bmp
4. On the 3 WebLogic application server hosts, log in and start all of the applications from the command line. (NOTE: If the server itself has been restarted, you will need to log and start the WebLogic admin console as well.)
a. $ wls
b. $ ./startda.sh
c. $ ./start
f. You can verify that all applications have started up correctly on each WLS by logging into the WLS admin console.
g. Within the WLS admin console, do first time Garbage Collection on all the managed servers by navigating into “Monitoring” > “Performance” tabs and click on “Force Garbage Collection” button.
5. From the command line of the primary Index Server, start the FAST index server
a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin
b. $ ./startup.sh
c. To verify the start, you can run the “nctrl systatus” command and see that all processes are “running”
6. From the command line of the secondary Index Server, start the FAST index server a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin
b. $ ./startup.sh
c. To verify the startup, you can run the “nctrl systatus” command.
7. From the command line of the primary Index Server host, start the Index Agent a. $ cd $DOCUMENTUM/share/IndexAgents
b. $ ./startupAllIndexAgents.sh
8. Log into Index Agent host, to the Admin console for each agent, and Start the indexing process for each agent in the console
i. http://
Click on the Agent Status action link named “Start”.
9. Log into Windows hosts to start all of the rendition agent services (MTS/DTS)
10. From within DA or applications themselves, verify complete environment functionality with the test cases provided.
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