Thursday, October 2, 2008

After installing Transformation Services, I do not see a Content Transformation Services Service listed in my Services


This can be because you have not configured your docbase yet, or because you have registered the service as an invalid user.


When you first install a Transformation Services product you will only see the Admin listed as a service. This is because you have not configured to a docbase yet. Once you run the configuration utility to add a docbase, you should see three services:

Documentum Content Transformation Monitor Service
Documentum Content Transformation Services
Documentum CTS Admin. Agent

If you do not see three services after configuring you docbase this is most likely because the user that you used when installing the Transformation Services Product was not a local Administrator, or you did not specify the domain if it was a domain user. To resolve the issue you can do one of two things:

Unconfigure and uninstall and then re-install using a local Admin and domain in necessary.
Register the service manually by running the following utility:
cmd> C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\server_install\CTSService\InstallLocalCTS.bat

This should register the service with the Local System account. You will then need to manually change it to run as the local admin user.


You can start the CTS service from a bat file to see if there are any problems with the service starting.
cmd> C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\server_install\CTSService\startCTS.bat

Make sure you run this from the command console as you will see any error message in the terminal.

You can reference the install.log located on the same directory as the installer for more information.
You can also run the installer with the following option for more verbose information:
cmd> rptsWinSuiteSetup.exe -is:log "C:\temp\rpts_install_log_txt"

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