Friday, April 24, 2009

DCO Installation-Unable to view all cabinets or permmitted folders/cabinets in documentum

Unable to view all cabinets or permmitted folders/cabinets in documentum


We need to create profile and browse the specific cabinet or select all cabinets and enable few check boxes in the properties window

DCO Installation - Documentum Lost & Found

Client seeing new folder created in Outlook called "Documentum Lost & Found".

The folder is created only if an import operation fails. This means that an object you intended to import into a repositiry through DCO failed to import correctly.

The way the Lost & Found is used is as follows:

Managing failed move/copy operations:

1. If DCO does not respond properly when you try to drag-and-drop an item from the right pane to your profile, you might see the following error message: Documentum Client for Outlook has found some messages that failed to be imported, and moved them to the "Documentum Lost & Found" folder.
2. The first time such an operation fails, DCO creates a new folder called Documentum Lost and Found in your Outlook Personal Folders. The next time you log in to Outlook (that is, once you exit Outlook and start it up again) items that failed to move or copy appear in the Documentum Lost and Found folder as unread items.
3. In the Documentum Lost and Found folder, you can perform any task normally available to you, such as moving, deleting, forwarding, replying, and so on.
4. DCO never automatically deletes messages in the Documentum Lost and Found folder; they remain there until you perform some action on them

DCO Error: Documentum Folders doesn't show in Outlook Tree Viewer

Documentum Folders doesn't show in Outlook Tree Viewer after installing DCO Client.
When opening Outlook, you will get an error that says,

The file C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Documentum\DCO\Documentum.pst could not be found.

If this occurs, there is a problem with the PST file that is create. To create this file again

1.Close Documentum Folders in Outlook
2.Close Outlook.
3. Verify that Outlook and the DCOAddin process is closed in the Task Manager.
4. Restart Outlook.

When Outlook is restarted the DCOAddin will recreate the PST file.

If there error continues and the PST file is not created. Then something is preventing the DCOAddin from creating the PST file. Make sure that the directory is not mapped and that the user has rights to add to that directory.

DCO Installation - There is no valid docbases specified on the DCO server

There is no valid docbases specified on the DCO server.
The docbase can be down. Please contact the administrator.


It seems you do not have valid docbase in custom/app.xml



The login component used by dco/outlook is not the same as the one used when you login through the browser!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Error: UcfSesionManager$ClientException
in DA 6.5 or Webtop 6.5 with Weblogic 9.2 Sp3 and Sql Server 2005

Check the exact version in ucf.installer.config.xml located at D:\bea\weblogic92\server\da.war\wdk\contentXfer and install the respective version or update the version here!!!

Download it from

here is what I have in my ucf.installer.config.xml:


- Intall jdk-1_5_0_06-windows-i586-p.exe in the Application Server or the system where u have UCF Errors

- Set JAVA_HOME in System Variables
JAVA_HOME --> D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin

- Clear the cache

- Restart the Application Server